Board Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- TAB 1.1 Judy Leach Letter.pdf
- TAB 1.2 Becker's Hospital Review.pdf
- TAB 1.3 Hirellogy.pdf
- TAB 1.4 Devenney Dave Healy Update 8-18-23.pdf
- TAB 1.5 Medi-Cal 2020 audit Exchange 8-21-23.pdf
- TAB 1.6 Derek Petrak - Judy Hoaglund RE 2021 Audit.pdf
- TAB 1.7 Derek Petrak Medicare Cost Settlement 8-21-23.pdf
- TAB 1.8 DHCS Entrance MediCal 2020 Audit.pdf
- TAB 1.9 CSDA eNews 8-22-23.pdf
- TAB 1.10 HCAI Hospital Public Notice Regs.pdf
- TAB 1.11 Petrak chain re $2.2M Medicare Overpayment Reimbursement check destination.pdf
- TAB 1.12 Devenney Dave Healy Facilities Assessment 8-25-23.pdf
- TAB 1.13 MCHDC Coordination with AH on HCAI Grant Application.pdf
- TAB 1.14 Kaufman Hall National Hospital Report August 2023.pdf
- TAB 1.15 CSDA eNew 8-29-23.pdf
- TAB 1.16 Devenney HCAI -AH Coordination Update.pdf
- TAB 1.17 MCHF Dementia Training Cynthia Hall.pdf
- TAB 1.18 Foundation Noyo Race Invitation.pdf
- TAB 1.19 AH Dean Shepardson 9-5-23.pdf
- TAB 1.20 HCAI Data Healthcare Characteristics.pdf
- TAB 1.21 CSDA eNew 9-6-23.pdf
- TAB 1.22 Devenney LF Healy Meeting Prep2.pdf
- TAB 1.23 HCAI Workforce Programs Update.pdf
- TAB 1.24 AH Helioscope Update re Solar Installation.pdf
- TAB 1.25 HCAI Invitation Hospital Projects A to Z n Person.pdf
- TAB 1.26 Devenney LF Dave Healy Meeting Prep 9-19-23.pdf
- TAB 1.27 CSDA eNews 9-19-23.pdf
- TAB 1.28 Rosemary Mangino Thank You 9-21-23.pdf
- TAB 1.29 ED Salary Comparison 2021 .pdf
- TAB 1.30 Rosemary Mangino Meeting Debrief 9-22-23.pdf
- TAB 2 DRAFT 081723 MCHCD Minutes.pdf
- TAB 4 Hospital Financing Consultant RFP Final 7-2-23.pdf
- TAB 4 Eastshore Consulting LLC & EMC Research, Proposal to Provide Consulting Services (July 2023) - MCHCD.pdf
- TAB 4 P&M_MendocinoCoastHCD_FINAL (1).pdf
- TAB 5 Executive Director Job Description.pdf
- TAB 5 Salary Comparisons Composite.pdf
- TAB 3 Treasuers Report.pdf
- TAB 3 CBC Proposal Mendocino Coast Health Care District September 2023.pdf
- TAB 1.0 Communications 9-28-23.pdf
- TAB 2 DRAFT 092123 MCHCD Minutes.pdf
- YouTube link to video 092823 Board Meeting.pdf